Vision Statement
Developing disciples of all ages, teaching them to know that they are born of God's Spirit and all His promises belong to them.
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 Order of Service

     Virtual Bible Study & Prayer Meeting Options:
Dial-in 605-313-4459 Access Code: 337608#
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sunday, 9:00 am
WOMEN’S  Bible Study: Tuesday, 11:30 am
Wednesday Bible Study: Wed., Noon & 6 pm
            Bible Study Weekly Lessons
MEN’S  Bible Study: 1st Friday of the Month, 7 pm:
Dial-in 605-472-5576 Access Code: 912605#
Community Prayer Room: 1st Monday of the month (Except Holidays), 6-7 pm: Dial-in 515-606-5724 Access Code: 337608#
Donate to Cary’s Online
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     To: 73256    Message: Carys

About Us

On February 9, 2019, Rev. Dr. Warren D. Choice was selected to lead Cary’s as their Pastor. Cary’s is supported by three associate ministers, four deacons, five trustees, a host of active ministries and a compassionate and grateful congregation.

God has blessed Cary’s beyond measure! We continue to give him praise for his grace and favor.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy paths.”

OUR Mission Statement

1. The Cary’s Baptist Church, a word centered – Holy Spirit led congregation, is committed to honoring Jesus Christ through celebratory worship, prayer, bible study and Christian services.
2. We will equip and empower believers for Christian living and service through sound biblical training to be sent out for ministries and missions, to the end that Christ be Known, worshiped and followed.
3. We will reach out to the unsaved through prayer and the proclamation of the “Good News” of Jesus Christ, addressing spiritual, emotional and physical needs through holistic ministries in the community, the nation and the world.
4. We will endeavor to make a difference in the way people see what’s truly important in life.
As Jesus Christ loves all people, our purpose is to reach out in love to everyone, impacting the Tidewater/Hampton Roads area with a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural ministry.
As Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord is Excellent in all His ways, we commit ourselves to the “Holy Spirit of Excellence”, seeking the highest, the finest and the best God has for us who are called by Him and love Him.
Bible Study
Dial-in 605-313-4459 Access Code:337608
WOMEN’S  Bible Study: Tuesday, 11:30 am
March 25, 2025: “Spiritual Growth Assisted & Strengthened by God”  Philippians 2:12-23; Ephesians 3:16-20
                             (Rev. Evelyn Staton)
Wednesday Bible Study: Wed., Noon & 6 pm
                   March 26, 2025 (noon), “Satan Bound, Freed & Doomed””  
Revelation 20 (Rev. Staton)
March 26, 2025 (6pm), “What Does Heaven Look Like in the Bible”
Revelation 9 (Pastor Choice)
MEN’S  Bible Study: 1st Friday of the Month, 7 pm: Dial-in 605-472-5576 Access Code: 912605#
Community Prayer Room: 1st Monday of the month (Except Holidays), 6-7 pm: Dial-in 515-606-5724
Access Code: 337608#